January 31, 2014

It's about time I get better at this

I have seriously dropped the ball here. Maybe I'd have a better handle on life if I actually used the outlets available to me.
Corban has been doing well. We still have bouts with his DIOS. Latest being last night. We have made it halfway through winter and he's only caught pink eye, and a 24 hour bug. He has lost two teeth and has two more loose. They may end up being pulled if they don't come out soon. The adult teeth aren't just shoving them out. Bot surprising since they've been knocked loose 3 times in the last 3 years lol. 
It's coming up on follow up time for his polyps and sinus surgery 2 years ago. March we'll go have a visit with the ENT to see if his polyp warrants removal yet. But before that, we'll have c.f. clinic. Or is it after? I forget.
Something I think someone should develop..odor eaters for little boys. Holy stinky toes.
I'm going to try and get better with this!
Help me with some ideas, what would you like to see here?

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